Thursday, July 21, 2011

summer, birthdays, adventures

I have not been a faithful picture taker and so much of our summer is going undocumented.

Here is a few pics that I did manage to take.
Ethan's birthday.  He sincerely wanted a Chuck E. Cheese party.

It was worth it for THIS smile

Juliet had her first birthday.  We had a party hosted at our friend's house then we went to the drive in movie to see Cars 2.

Drive Thru Safari.

Kelsey's fabulous ballet costume that she did not get to perform in because we moved.  Very sad for us, but she had fun dancing around home in it.


JessicaNicole said...

oh Kels's ballet costume IS fabulous! She looks like a prima ballerina!
I'm saddened that there are not pictures of a cowhead stuck in your van. hehe

Sale Fails said...

The ballet outfit is sooo cute! And the safari seemed very fun. I can't believe Juliet is a year...we miss you guys! You need to come back and go to La Playa with us (we live right behind it now, in a townhouse!)

Christy said...

what? Another post so soon? Didn't you just update this like, 6 months ago?? :) hehe

I love your kidlets and miss them tremendously. I think Kels is going to be a ballerina for sure. :)