Thursday, August 6, 2009

hide and seek

I rediscovered the joys of the game "Hide and Seek". It has become the new favorite game at our house. This game makes me laugh so hard because my kids look so darn cute when they play. Like this picture of Ethan counting. He would not let go of that box of crackers. And he doesn't count in order but I think he gets at least ten numbers in.
They hide in ridiculously easy here...

and here.
and they leave clues, like toes sticking out.

and if you can't find them then you just follow the giggling.
It's a blast.


Michael and Natalia said...

Yay for hide and seek! Our little ones make sounds on purpose, so it is easier to find them. (their Dad taught them, when they couldn't find him one day)

the last picture is so funny! I love Kelsey's painted nails :)

Liz said...

Hide and seek is a fav here too. Erin is really good at hiding, but not so good at not giggling. I love it. Lily also likes to point out wherever Erin is.

Liz said...

p.s. I can't wait for you guys to come out in Nov. Cafe Rio and leatherby's sound great! (erin so misses Kelsey and asks nearly everyday if we can get on a plane and come visit.)