Our Scooby-Do0 obsession started with our weekly Friday Family Movie night. We pick a kids movie and have popcorn and candy and it's a blast. For the past two months we have been watching Scooby-doo movies. The kids are obsessed and the Parental Unit finds it entertaining as well, which is why this has gone on so long.
We also have season passes to Six Flags. Six flags is all about Warner Brothers so they have a Scooby-Doo ride. This is the favorite ride in the whole park. I am going to walk you through it.
Here is where you enter the ride.
You enter this really cool room decorated all ghosty. It is air conditioned and it is the only ride with an air conditioned room to wait in. It's fabulous.
You ride in this cool blue "mystery mobile" and everyone has a Laser Gun. You get to shoot all the ghosts and monsters with your gun and it keeps score of how many points you get for each monster.
At the end you get to how well you did
I love the picture with scooby. So cute!
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