Wednesday, August 4, 2010


For all the moms out there who have taken their kids to get immunizations:  Have you ever gone to the dr to get immunizations and they were out of the MMR shot?  I like Kelsey's doctor a lot but I have taken Kelsey in two times (in april and again today) and they have been out of the MMR both times.  I can understand being out of the flu shot during flu season but I never had that happen to me before in Utah.  Has it ever happened to you or is this a bad doctors office?


The Maez Mommy said...

I've had that happen with Donavan once. I had him there for a well-child check but decided to wait for all of the shots all at once (they were out of 2 of the 4 and I didn't want to torture him twice!) So I took him in 2 weeks later and just went into the nurse and she gave him the shots - now - the problem was with my insurance. They pay 100% of the well-child checks, but because when I went back they didn't consider that a well-child check and charged me for all of the immunizations :(. I've been fighting them for months on this one - so just be sure that they bill the insurance company correctly!!
And as for the office being out of the MMR - if you need to get it soon I'd check out the county health department - they've never been out when I've taken my older boys in. :)

JessicaNicole said...

I don't know the answer to your question but I wanted to say I like the new page! :)

Michael and Natalia said...

nope, never happened.