Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Jollification

Warning:  There are a LOT of pictures in this post.
Starting off we have the annual Fall Festival at the Asbury Methodist Church.
We spent most of our time in the bouncy house things

 Ate hot dogs and chips, drank soda
 Played games
 watched a puppet show
 rode a hayride
 got faces painted

 Ethan wanted it on his hand

 and picked out a pumpkin.

Next we have the halloween costumes
Kelsey wanted to be a Barbie, so we decided on dressing as a Barbie Musketeer

She has a crown for the Ball
 That doubles as a mask--so that nobody knows who she is!!!
 And of course a sword, very cool
 Here is the back of her cape.  This Musketeer knows how to sword fight AND dance.
 Ethan insisted on being Super Why.
 That made for an easy costume.  Lots of Felt.  The funny thing is that his pants are girls stretch pants and a pair of Juliet's diaper cover thingie that goes with a dress.  Funny how her 3-6 month bottom fits on Ethan's tiny butt.

 Here is Matt's costume.  This image induced such a conflict of feelings that I had to take a picture (it's so horrifying, but it's so sweet!)
 We had a ward party friday night, but we forgot the camera and didn't take any pics.  But here are a few pics of a party we had at our house saturday night.  I had nothing planned and didn't want to sit around saturday night feeling depressed with nothing to do so I threw a last minute party and invited just a couple of people who had kids over.  Here some of the food.   Mummy dogs, and monster eyes, and Matt talked me into making strombolli.
 We played monster bean bag toss

 Pass the Pumpkin, and pin the nose on the pumpkin (but I don't have pictures of that)
 All the kids got a little prize
 Then we sent the kids upstairs to play and the adults played a couple of really funny games.
 I'm going to add in here some pictures of Kelsey's little party at preschool.  The family was invited and they sang a cute song for us (Have you ever seen a pumpkin).  They also read halloween stories, decorated cookies, and got their faces painted.

 It was a fun weekend, but I'm glad its over!  I feel exhausted from putting those kids in and out of their costumes several times.  Kelsey also got to dress up for dance last week so I think she wore her costume a total of four times.  And Barbie hair isn't the easiest to do.  Thank Goodness Ethan's super why costume was low key.
Thanks for reading.


Christy said...

the sanders' halloween costumes never disappoint. you remind me so much of mom and her amazing costume abilities. looks like fun. thanks for posting!

jill said...

Looks like so much fum. I love halloween. You did an awesome job on the costumes, the food, and being such a good mommy. Love you tons.

Liz said...

super fun! Halloween is exhausting.

JessicaNicole said...

Yay I've been excited to see the kids' costumes! You did great. THe pic of Matt feeding Jules is hilarious.

Trina said...

Their costumes are sooo cute! I love Kelsey's hair! She does look just like barbie! You are amazing! What a fun halloween!